Trike Vehicle Progress

Chaos Vehicles Plugin is still very experimental feature but Konvektio is too so it’s probably not a bad thing to think ahead and use it for vehicles instead of PhysX.

If it works fine for trike with a hang glider attached, it’ll work for anything. And it does!

A ton of things is still to be implemented for the vehicle like the mesh animation reacting to suspension and steering or Nanite static mesh wheels and other parts, but the concept works better than I expected and I’m very happy with it! It’s a lot more stable and has pretty nice traction and braking implementation among other features.

I’ll probably very soon add basic tow car into the demo using the same approach before I start playing with seating the droid and using controls.

It’s not a huge update but I think it’s an important one.

Happy testing, cheers!


KonvektioStreamGame-Windows 935 MB
Version 16 Jul 30, 2023
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Version 16 Jul 30, 2023

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